giovedì 21 ottobre 2010

Day of Formation and Reflection on the Themes of Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation (JPIC)

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Summary from the Drafting Commission

Before beginning the work of the Synod properly so called, the members of the Synod were invited to spend a day of formation and reflection on the themes of Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation (JPIC). The general aim of the day was to remind the members of the Synod that JPIC is an integral part of the life and mission of all Passionists.

The specific aims were:
  1. To give a general overview of JPIC
  2. To highlight the connection between the Gospel, church teaching on JPIC and Passionist spirituality
  3. To explain how JPIC is integral to the work of the USG/UISG
  4. To encourage provincials to integrate JPIC into the life and ministry of their provinces, especially in initial and ongoing formation programmes
  5. To support JPIC animation and encourage development of appropriate structures.
The day was led by Father Gearóid Francisco Ó Conaire OFM, who had worked as a missionary in El Salvador from 1984 to 1998. He later worked as co-ordinator of the Franciscan JPIC office in Rome and is now Secretary General of the JPIC office of the Union of Superiors General USG/UISG.

Working together on JPIC issues

One of the most significant speakers of the workshop on JPIC was Fr. Francisco Ó Conaire OFM, general secretary of the JPIC Commission for the USG/UISG. He shared with us his international experience, by showing us how some Religious Institutes are addressing the same JPIC issues. One of the most important element of his intervention – shown in the video – was the need for collaboration in those matters, not only among the members of a Congregation, but also across the boundaries of the different Institutes. JPIC is a topic that emerges from the Gospel, the root of all the Christians; that’s the very reason why we can build a network of relationships and collaboration, so that our efforts to make concrete interventions about real injustices can be more effective.

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Workshop on JPIC: Fr. General’s Introduction

“Evangelization and sensibility toward the sufferings of the poor”. The two poles that attract the Passionists are the love of God and the love of the neighbor; that distinguish our mission in the world.

With those words Fr. Ottaviano D’Egidio, General of the Congregation of the Passionists, introduced the workshop on “Justice – Peace – Integrity of creation”, organized by the Passionist Commission with the same name; the aim of the event was to encourage the ministry and the care of the poorest and the abandoned.
The purpose of the meeting: to share and to understand the reality of poverty where our missionaries all over the world are working. The Passionists should be more and more connected with the poor, who need a specific form of solidarity. Those who are last are now the protagonists (in a negative sense) of a new heartbreaking Calvary.

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