Dear brothers, women religious and laity of the Passionist Family, I send greetings to all of you on my part, and also on behalf of the members of the General Council who at this time are making canonical visitations in preparation for the celebration of various provincial chapters. My means of this letter and according to the norms of our Constitutions at numbers 144, 145 and 146, I am hereby convoking the XIV General Synod of the Congregation.
As was stated in Cuernavaca, Mexico, during the last Synod of 2008, the next Synod of 2010 will be celebrated in Rome at our Generalate of Sts. John and Paul during 21 -31 October 2010. The participants can begin arriving in Rome on Monday, 18 October in order to be able to celebrate together the solemnity of our Holy Founder, St. Paul of the Cross, the following day, Tuesday, 19 October. However, everyone must be present by Wednesday, 20 October because the Synod will begin on Thursday morning, the 21st, and will conclude on the morning of Sunday, 31 October. That same evening and during the following days everyone will be at liberty to depart.