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The day began with the Opening Liturgy, celebrated at three ‘stations’. In the Atrium of the Crucifix, after prayer and sacred reading, lanyards were conferred on the Synod members who then went in procession to the statue of Saint Paul of the Cross. At this second ‘station’, the co-ordinator of each configuration received a piece of the Synod logo as a ‘Symbolum Fraternitatis’.
After singing ‘Salve, Sancte Pater’, the assembly moved to the aula for the third ‘station’ where the logo-symbol was put together and Synod members attached their lanyards to the completed logo. Then, in the presence of the icon of Mary, ‘Salus Populi Romani’, the Synod members invited the Holy Spirit to be present in their midst.
> odt. pdf. rtf. text. word. html.
The day began with the Opening Liturgy, celebrated at three ‘stations’. In the Atrium of the Crucifix, after prayer and sacred reading, lanyards were conferred on the Synod members who then went in procession to the statue of Saint Paul of the Cross. At this second ‘station’, the co-ordinator of each configuration received a piece of the Synod logo as a ‘Symbolum Fraternitatis’.
After singing ‘Salve, Sancte Pater’, the assembly moved to the aula for the third ‘station’ where the logo-symbol was put together and Synod members attached their lanyards to the completed logo. Then, in the presence of the icon of Mary, ‘Salus Populi Romani’, the Synod members invited the Holy Spirit to be present in their midst.