venerdì 22 ottobre 2010

Summary from the Drafting Commission: 22 october

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> odt. pdf. rtf. text. word. html.

The day began with the Opening Liturgy, celebrated at three ‘stations’. In the Atrium of the Crucifix, after prayer and sacred reading, lanyards were conferred on the Synod members who then went in procession to the statue of Saint Paul of the Cross. At this second ‘station’, the co-ordinator of each configuration received a piece of the Synod logo as a ‘Symbolum Fraternitatis’.

After singing ‘Salve, Sancte Pater’, the assembly moved to the aula for the third ‘station’ where the logo-symbol was put together and Synod members attached their lanyards to the completed logo. Then, in the presence of the icon of Mary, ‘Salus Populi Romani’, the Synod members invited the Holy Spirit to be present in their midst.

The opening address of the General Superior of the Passionists

The inspirational address of the Fr. General opened the activities of the Synod. He invited all the member of the assembly to recall the fundamental elements of our charism that were the inspirational principles of the journey undertaken so far. He stressed that we have to root ourselves in the Passionist, but at the same time we have to address the challenges of the modern world. We are profoundly convinced that the Solidarity, that we are trying to implement, is an expression of the Memory of the Passion that is still the remedy for the evils of the World.

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Report of the Superior General to the XIV General Synod (part one)

> odt. pdf. rtf. text. word. html.

Greetings and Introductory reflections

1. Dear brothers in Christ Crucified and Risen,
Fraternal greetings and best wishes to all of you here and, in particular, to each of you who, with various titles and responsibilities, are participating in this Synod. I especially wish to greet and welcome those of you who have recently been elected as Major Superiors and who are at a Synod assembly for the first time. You will enrich us with your creativity and enthusiasm. 

I also greet all of you in the name of the General Council and the community of Sts. John and Paul that offers us hospitality for the celebration of the XIV Synod of the Congregation. I welcome you and through you, with heart and mind, I see and remember all the religious of our communities and the laity of the Passionist Family who, as laborers called to the vineyard of the Lord, live and work in sixty countries. I especially wish to remember the sick and those who suffer in spirit: may the Lord bless them and may our spiritual and human concern comfort them.

I ask the men and women religious and laity to accompany us with their prayer so that the Synod may be a grace-filled event that enlightens our mind, so that we may discern the ways of the Lord for the Congregation today. May it open our hearts to charity and to generosity, and strengthen our will so that we may act courageously and definitively on what He asks of us.

2. The theme of the Synod, “Solidarity for a new life and mission”, is intended to unite us ideologically and substantially with the last Synod of 2008 that was celebrated in Cuernavaca, Mexico. It was an event that continues to offer us wonderful memories and encouragement about what has been accomplished along the journey of the Congregation. We also recall the warm welcome that we received from the religious of the Province of Christ the King, and the women religious and the laity that share our spirituality. Again, thank you: May our Lady of Guadalupe also guide and protect us during this Synod.

3. The graphic design of the Logo of this Synod consists of a Passionist Sign surrounding the world, lands and seas, along with the inscription: “Solidarity for a new life and mission”. The words follow the path of the curve of the continents between South America and Australia, encircling lower Africa. It is meant to signify our unity as an integrated family immersed in the charism. The Passionist Sign which envelopes it is meant to enhance solidarity, enlivening our community life and mission. In addition to being an ideal and a hope, as is symbolized by the color green of the contents of the Logo, solidarity is a goal to which we aspire and is indicated by the red-colored fire that forms the background of the Sign, which is immersed in the light of the resurrection and a new dawn [...]

| Download | Report of the Sup. General to the XIV General Synod (part one)

| Download | Report of the Sup. General to the XIV General Synod (part two)

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The Opening Ceremony

The 14th General Synod of the Passionists has just started. In the video above, you can see the opening liturgy of the Synod: the Passionists gathered together under the cross located in the main courtyard of the Generalate of Sts. John and Paul prayed the Lord during a wonderful autumn day.

After the distribution of same cloth key chains – a symbol of the Solidarity that binds our religious men throughout the world – the opening procession started, moving toward the statue of S. Paul of the Cross . Once there, the Coordinators – the members who had a specific and active role in the animation of the Restructuring process – received a puzzle piece. Our presence there symbolized the deep connection between the journey that we are undertaking and the spirituality of our founder.

After the song Salve Sancte Pater, the synod members went to the Synod Hall. Once there we recomposed the whole puzzle, forming the Synod logo: the representation of the common effort to keep alive the spirit of solidarity, the key theme of the present discernment process. The song Veni Creator concluded the ceremony, by entrusting the Synod and its members to the Holy Spirit. May God’s will be accomplished through their work.

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