sabato 30 ottobre 2010

Summary from the Drafting Commission: 30 October

> odt. pdf. rtf. text. word. html.

Fr Franz Damen was the principal celebrant at the Mass which was celebrated in Spanish.

The morning session was chaired by Fr Denis Travers. It was preceded by a prayer reflection; the theme was ‘The Passion of Jesus – The bridge which unites us’, based on no. 5 of the Constitutions.

Fr Michael Mullins introduced the day’s work. It is difficult to deal with matters ad experimentum. Here we need to suspend judgement, particularly canonical judgement. This is a new way of acting, a systemic way. The future of the configurations will largely depend on the quality of leadership, particularly at local level. A key element is dialogue at and across the different levels; in this area we learn by doing. Reports on yesterday’s questions and reflections were then heard.

The Sacred Heart Configuration report spoke of uncertainties about the future and the fear that the Synod has not gone far enough but has seemed to be going backwards. We want to continue on the road chosen at Cuernavaca. This configuration wants to become a single province with zones. The configuration has a list of initiatives, including a formators course in Rome next January, provincial chapters in the three provinces and an assembly in the vice-province, and various inter-provincial events, including the World Youth Day. The configuration intends to keep the same co-ordinator.

Peñafiel will host the Young Passionists Meeting for WYD 2011

A tour to see the town of Peñafiel, the Passionists Monastery and the structures that will host the Young Passionists Meeting before the World Youth Day 2011 in Madrid.

Versione italiana Versión en español

Holy Mass: homily for October 30

Phil 1, 18b-26; Lc 14, 1,7-11

"When you are invited, go and sit in the lowest place, so that... you will be honored...”This recommendation by Jesus releases uneasiness. Is this not false, hypocritical modesty? Does this really fit Jesus?

In any case, Jesus thereupon said to the man who invited him: "When you give a dinner or banquet, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your kinsmen or rich neighbors, lest they also invite you in return, and you be repaid; But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you. You will be repaid at the resurrection of the just", (v. 13-14).

Here, Jesus is breaking with a rule which is functioning until today in all cultures of the world: that invitation and return invitation must be kept in balance; the rule of reciprocity.

This is a rule, which really does not fit Jesus at all. He checks up the games we are playing with one another, and that usually are steered by our own profit. He puts himself on the side the poor, the cripple and the blind: those who fall out with our party games. The reconciliation he is looking for, is certainly not provided by the blind and the poor. But God is involved! This unbalance makes us think.