martedì 26 ottobre 2010

Summary from the Drafting Commission: 26 October

> odt. pdf. rtf. text. word. html.

The day began with Mass in the Retreat House Chapel celebrated by Fr Leone Masnata.

The morning session in the aula, chaired by Fr Clemente Barron, was preceded by a prayer reflection celebrating the centenary of the Passionists in Brazil. Fr Michael Mullins s.m. informed the Synod that the dialogue in response to the reports from configurations would be take place in a single group in the aula. He asked us to ensure that all voices are heard, and gave this background question: What are the key issues that the Synod has to address for the whole Congregation?

Fr Leone Masnata presented the report on behalf of the Configuration of Blessed Eugene Bossilkov. Initially the seven entities of the configuration looked at the following: replies made by provinces of the configuration to the template on restructuring; possible future shape for the configuration; choosing common projects in the areas of solidarity (formation, personnel, finance); decision-making powers of the configuration; ways of consulting the religious of the various provinces on their opinion of the viability of the configuration. The four Italian provinces of the configuration and the French province wish to work towards becoming a single province, with five regions, while ASSUM and VULN wish to continue as distinct entities within the configuration. The configuration has a study group, divided into three sub-groups (formation, personnel, finance), and a permanent secretary. The Italian entities have a common novitiate and student house. Various forms of collaboration exist, including support for the mission in Bulgaria and the house in Lourdes. 

Synodal Interviews: Fr. Joachin Rego, Provincial of SPIR (Australia and Papua New Guinea) and PASPAC Coordionator

Same questions addressed to Fr. Joachin Rego, Provincial of SPIR (Australia and Papua New Guinea)  and PASPAC Coordinator on same issues regarding Restructuration and his Configuration.

Versione italiana Versión en español

100th Anniversary of the Passionist Presence in Brazil

Versione italiana Versión en español

Holy mass: homily of October 26th – The mustard seed … or beans ?

 30th Tuesday of Ordinary Time 
Gospel; Luke 13,18-21

Luke preferred to assemble the parables which highlighted the behavior and the destiny of people in this world: the Parable of the Good Samaritan (10, 25-37); the Parable of the Rich Fool (12, 16-21); the Parable of the Prodigal Son (15, 11-32); the Parable of the Dishonest Manager (16, 1-13); and the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus (16, 19-31). In this parable however, he speaks of the Kingdom of God hidden in the reality and in the behavior of the mustard seed which, proverbially small, becomes a robust bush; and the handful of yeast which ferments within a large quantity of flour.

The Kingdom of God is already at work in the world, but it acts in the style of Jesus: in poverty and with little political and religious consideration. God fulfills His plan with that which is small, despised and nothing (cf. 2Cor 2, 4ff). As the mustard seed, Jesus too was taken and thrown under the ground. In this way He became the tree of life offered to all. He was taken and hidden quickly, as something vile, on the eve of Passover (cf. Jn 19, 31-32). In this way he became the yeast which leavened the earth, opening up the tombs (cf. Mt 27, 52-53).