Mass today was celebrated in language groups.
The morning prayer reflection was on the theme of listening and discernment. The opening session was chaired by Fr Denis Travers and began with an update from Fr Juan Maria Santamaria on the situation in Yurimaguas, Peru.
Sister Christine Anderson f.c.j. then introduced the morning’s work. One of the main tasks of this Synod is looking at the viability of the configurations. The configurations were an experiment in solidarity in formation, personnel and finance; now the experiment has to be evaluated. Human beings find difficulty in changing, but we have within us the resources needed for change. These are: 1) an open mind, the enemy of which is judging before we have heard everything; 2) an open heart, which allows us to get in touch with our vulnerability, and here the enemy is cynicism; 3) an open will, from which comes the desire for what is best for the mission and values of the Congregation; the enemy here is fear or doubt. The evaluation would be done in configuration groups. The groups were asked to look in a critical way at their own configuration and ask themselves if it is viable. Sister Christine suggested a viability tool, consisting of six areas for examination: 1) leadership capacity, strategic thinking, focus on Passionist mission; 2) government structures, decision making; 3) financial planning, accountability; 4) initial formation, ongoing formation; 5) communication networks, relatedness to General Council and other configurations; 6) in the light of all this, can you say you are working effectively towards solidarity of formation, personnel and finance within your configuration? Has your configuration the capacity to offer solidarity to other configurations? The Synod members were now invited to go into configuration groups, after a period of personal discernment. The groups were given two questions: Do you think the composition of your configuration is viable or do you suggest any changes? Regarding the other configurations, have you suggestions to make them increase solidarity in formation, personnel and finance?