Mass for the Feast of Saints Simon and Jude was celebrated by Fr Joachim Rego.
The morning prayer reflection was led by Fr Giovanni Cipriani. The session was chaired by Fr Luigi Vaninetti.
The first item was a proposal from the Commission for Solidarity in Finances that all entities should contribute annually 2% of the gross income of their entity’s administration to the Solidarity Fund, and that the Synod should confirm the decision of the last General Synod that 7% of the proceeds from any sale of immobile goods (lands or buildings) be contributed to the Solidarity Fund.
A number of clarifications were sought, some in relation to cases where civil governments have requirements linked to the sale of property. Other issues raised included the following: Criteria for the running of the Solidarity Fund were established some time ago and could be revisited. There is a need for co-ordination between funding solidarity at configuration level and at the level of the whole Congregation. Should the Solidarity Fund and Formation Fund be united or remain separate? It would be useful for the Commission to meet with the economes or finance managers of the different entities. Even with these fixed contributions, voluntary contributions to the Solidarity Fund can still be made. After discussion, the proposal was carried with no dissenting voices.
The Superior General then gave the third part of his report. Among issues referred to in the report were: the need to include within our Constitutions and General Regulations a reference to those laity who seek to live our Passionist Charism and be associated with our Congregation; the importance of historical research and publications on our Congregation and its provinces; the work of the Commission for Communications and the setting up of a permanent office for communications; the need for norms to guarantee the safety of financial funds; the ‘two pulses’ of the heart of our Charism, which are (a) Contemplating the Passion of Jesus and living in fraternal and poor communities, located in solitude (b) Announcing the contemplated word of the Cross, giving preference to abandoned places and recognising Jesus in the suffering and the poor); our presence at the U.N. through Passionists International; the need for adequate policies throughout the Congregation for dealing with questions of sexual abuse and promoting the safeguarding the vulnerable; training for formation personnel; the role of brothers in leadership; the required number of houses and religious to constitute a province.