domenica 24 ottobre 2010

Summary from the Drafting Commission: 24 October

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The day began with Mass celebrated in the Chapel of Saint Paul of the Cross. The principal celebrant and homelist was Fr Antonio Munduate.

The morning session, which was preceded by a prayer reflection prepared by the STIP students, consisted of two talks given by Fr Aquilino Bocos Merino C.M.F. on Restructuring in the Passionist Congregation. Fr Aquilino is a former Superior General of the Claretians who is working for the periodical ‘Vida Religiosa’ and for the Theological Institute of Religious Life in Madrid. The session was chaired by Fr Luis Alberto Cano.

Fr Aquilino’s first talk covered three topics: the meaning of restructuring; obstacles and opportunities; the ultimate reason for restructuring. In the second talk, he treated these aspects: presuppositions required to make restructuring effective; the relationship between the Congregation and its major organisms (provinces, vice-provinces, vicariates); motivation and co-responsibility in structural innovation; final considerations.

Restructuring is a principle of healthy realism: Fr. Aquilino Bocos Merino, CMF

The expression "Restructuring is a principle of healthy realism" was used by the preacher and it summarizes the key point and the perspective of Fr. Aquilino Bocos Merino’s presentation. Thanks to his personal experience, as former General of the Claretians and his academic studies, he guided us through a spiritual but also realistic reading of a transformation and renewal process like the Restructuration process that we are undertaking.

What is most needed in order for this process to bear fruit is conversion that is personal and profound. We need to work so that religious life maintains its prophetic and meaningful dimension in order to be able to heal the wounds of the modern world.

In this way our efforts to elaborate and to implement new structures and organizations will make our charism efficacious in world of today. The specific mission - the one that make us preach the cross each day - should be the measure of our planning efforts.

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Reflection Day: Fr. Aquilino Bocos Merino, CMF

The first Sunday morning of the Synod was dedicated to a special day of reflection on “Restructuring in the Passionist Congregation” guided by Fr. Aqulino Bocos Merino, CMF. The following information will introduce  him. Fr. Aquilino Bocos Merino started his activity by teaching philosophy in the Claretian Seminary of Segovia, completed his studies in philosophy at the Pontifical University of Salamanca and was on the formation staff of the International Claretian Theologate of Salamanca and spiritual director of the Maronite Major Seminary of the same City.

Holy Mass: homily for October 24th

30th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Gospel of Luke 18,9-14

The Word of God, which is proclaimed on this Sunday Liturgy for the 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time, invites us to review our relationship with God—which is our prayer life; and asks how is our relationship with our brothers and sisters. Let us remember that contemplating divine realities and union with God through prayer ought to be the first and primary obligation of all religious (canon 663). This prayer is certainly not be overlooked on this World Sunday for the Propagation of the Faith (DOMUND*), “Our prayer thus takes on a hidden apostolic fruitfulness for the People of God, and echoes our solidarity with our brothers and sisters, especially the poor and suffering” (Const. 38).